A useful testimonial as Gabriella takes you up to day 8 post-treatment with the Perfect Peel, used to treat the issues with skin texture, pigmentation and increased lines & wrinkles Gabriella experienced after her summer travels.
“8 days ago I trialled the ‘Perfect Peel’ with WY Skin Clinic in the attempt of reversing some of the effects of a summer in the sun baking myself. My texture was incredibly bumpy and lines and wrinkles had deepened dramatically from all the sun. I wanted to kickstart a skin overhaul once coming back to the UK, & this peel was the starting point. Applied in clinic, you actually go home with the peel on, washing off with water a minimum of 6 hours later… cue after, 5/6 days downtime. You’ll have redness, maybe irritation and a lot of shedding and peeling to the skin… so my advice, stay at home as much as you can or be prepared to go makeup free as you’ll get the best results if you can. By day 7 my skin was visibly dramatically better in texture and glow with scarring reduced and pigmentation to my nose much better. Makeup looks so much smoother on my skin now and the compliments have been an added bonus ? Highly recommend!!”
Huge thanks to Gabriella Pisani for this detailed treatment review ?